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篇一:刮痧英文观后感 The differences between Chinese and western cultures ---from the movie “Gua Sha” This term, I have taken an elective course on western culture and enjoy movies and airwaves, and watched many films, such as “Gua Sh....
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篇一:《刮痧》观后感(英汉对照版) 观后感一 Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Ch....


篇一:电影刮痧英文观后感 100605123 xxx 2013-3-19 The film review of “scrapping” This movie is about a story which happened in an immigrant family living in the United States now. Dennis, a Chinese child, is having a fever and sufferin....


篇一:刮痧英文观后感 The differences between Chinese and western cultures ---from the movie “Gua Sha” This term, I have taken an elective course on western culture and enjoy movies and airwaves, and watched many films, such as “Gua Sh....
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本文《刮痧观后感》由读后感大全整理,仅供参考。 第一篇范文:电影刮痧观后感 刮痧,一个不能阐述自己想法的单纯的6岁孩子,一个手无缚鸡之力的已婚女人,一个想要述说却因为文化的....


《刮痧》观后感 总是认为,在美国的中国人只要解决了绿卡的问题,那么就相当于在那里定足了,稳定了。但是看完《刮痧》之后,就不觉得了,更多的知道的是在异国国人的艰辛。 在我这个....
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